HIMACS use and care

With the right treatment, HIMACS will remain as good as new for years. Regular treatment also prevents more serious damage.

Basic care

Hot objects and liquids

  • Do not place hot cookware directly from the oven or from the stove on the HIMACS surface. Place a mat or board underneath a hot object to protect the surface and prevent damage.
  • When pouring boiling water or hot liquids into the HIMACS basin, also pour cold water at the same time.


Strong acids

  • Concentrated acids such as cleaning agents containing methyl chloride or acetone, should not be used for cleaning.  
  • If strong acids come into contact with the material, the surface should be wiped immediately and rinsed with a standard all-purpose cleaner or soap and water to avoid discolouration.


Sharp objects

  • HI-MACS is very resistant to everyday wear and tear, but sharp objects can still cause small cuts and scratches. Superficial scratches and smaller cuts can easily be removed with a buffing pad or sanded off, but repairing deeper cuts requires professional services.


Daily cleaning

  • Clean the HIMACS surface by wiping it with a damp cloth and a standard mild all-purpose cleaner. If the surface to be cleaned is matt, a mild abrasive cleaning detergent may be used if necessary. To maintain the uniform appearance of the surface, periodically clean the entire surface with either mild abrasive or a wet abrasive sponge in a circular motion.

Cleaning products:

  • any mild all-purpose detergent that does not need to be rinsed (on all surfaces)
  • mild abrasive detergent e.g. CIF Cream with smooth sponge for matt surface
  • damp rough sponge on matt surface


Tough stains

  • Tough stains such as tea, fruit juice or food dye can be removed with bleach, which may not touch the surface for more than five minutes. The surface is then cleaned with a standard cleaning agent and rinsed with water.
  • Mild abrasives are also suitable for cleaning matt surfaces. Nail polish can be removed easily with an acetone-free nail polish remover. Nicotine stains and small burnt areas can be cleaned with a mild abrasive or polished with an abrasive sponge.


Tips for removing small scratches or marks

Try the following methods (in the order listed):

1.    mild abrasive detergent (e.g. CIF Cream) with smooth sponge
2.    mild abrasive detergent with abrasive sponge
3.    magic sponge (e.g. Magic sponge Akro)
4.    hand sanding pad  ( e.g. #7448 Scotch Brite)

  • When using abrasive products, treat the surface in a circular motion and over a wide area to eliminate creating boundaries. With abrasive detergents, it is a good idea to clean the entire surface to give you a clean look without spots.
  • In the case of a deeper cuts, use the services of your supplier or other professional to repair the surface to look as good as new. The whole surface can also be renewed, for example during a renovation, by grinding, eliminating the need to replace the surface.

See the Use and care guide from LX Hausys